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Library Rules & Regulations

Borrowing Library Materials

Only users registered with the library will be allowed to borrow library material.
Some Library collections are not for loan and are appropriately marked.
Materials on Reserve can only be used within the Library except when overnight or weekend loan has been approved.
No user shall take a book out of the Library unless it is properly issued. All persons leaving the Library must present their belongings for inspection at the exit.
Late returns of borrowed books shall attract a penalty at a rate to be determined from time to time.
The Librarian in charge shall reserve the right to recall a book on loan. These books shall be returned within the shortest time possible and a fine shall be charged for any inexplicable delay.

Damage & Loss of Library Materials

Any user who causes damage to library materials or other property will foot the cost of repair.
Users will be held responsible for any material lost while in their custody and will be required to foot the cost of replacement. Lost books once recovered will remain the property of the Library; monies charged for replacement will not be refunded.

General Rules & Regulations

Silence within the Library must be observed at all times.
Eating, drinking, and smoking are strictly prohibited.
The use of cellphones within the Library is prohibited.
Users are expected to behave and present themselves decently at all times.
The Librarian shall reserve the right to withdraw or refuse Library services to any user who disregards the above-listed rules and regulations.
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